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Monday, November 07, 2005

Day 7

It has been so nice having family around this weekend. We all went to church together, and the service was amazing. It was one of Pastor's best sermons, but it was more than what he said. The presence of the spirit was so evident, and it was powerful to experience a move of the Holy Spirit with our family. Then at the end, as Pastor was dismissing the congregation, he flippantly says "and that baby is coming!" Kyle and I both, as well as my mom, immediatly teared up. It was like he said it right at us, and I believe that through the Holy Spirit he did.

It feels so much better to be hopeful even at the risk of major disappointment, then to feel stagnant and safe. Going through this round gives me a lot of hope that maybe it will work this time.

It was sad to see our family leave, especially my sister. She moved to East Tennessee just a few months ago, and is going through culture shock. It is so hard to find friends and community when you move to a new area, especially when you are literally starting from scratch. I know that God has called her there, and it's just a matter of time until she finds that sense of belonging there. I am so proud of her though, she has truly stepped out of every comfort zone and surrendered to God's will for her life. Stay the course sis! You'll make it.

I'll admit it-I really like watching Grey's Anatomy. Last week was good-although I'm torn whether or not Dr. McDreamy should stay with his wife. From the spiritual side of things I guess he should, but then there is the emotional side that really wants him and Meredith to get back together. I hate it when media lures my flesh in such a way that contradicts what I truly believe. I think it happens more often than I even realize-which is a reminder to stay guarded.


mommy zabs said...

I love that pastor Alex said that- it would have been amazing to been there for that... and it is so great you parents got so share it with you as well.

Grays... i am rooting for the wife. Even though I love meridith. But i'm usre we can look forward to lots of up and down drama. I love how the head girl of the interns intervened and told him to stay away. that was cool of her.

MayaStrang said...

i agree about grays anatomy. you are not alone. :)