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Thursday, May 31, 2007

28 Weeks

This morning we were able to see our little girl once again via ultrasound. She is doing perfectly! She currently weighs 2 pounds and 14 ounces. Her femur bone (from hip to knee) is 2 inches long. We are officially in the third trimester now. It looks like she we will get to see her sooner than we thought. We were able to get another ultrasound because last time the placenta was covering a portion of the cervix (aka placenta previa). We were hoping that after a few more weeks it would have grown out of the way. Unfortunately, it hasn't, and the doctor wasn't very optimistic that it would any time soon. So what does this mean? a planned C-section. Basically, they don't want me to go into labor because of the risk, and if I do it would mean an emergency C-section. They would probably plan it around 37-38 weeks, which puts us around the first week of August.

At first I was disappointed, but I know that it is only my expectations of having a "normal" delivery. As long as my baby girl is healthy, then I am happy. After going through all of this infertility, I have long since given up the ideal of "natural" and "normal". Thankfully, I am well aware of the risks and the benefits of C-section, so I'm choosing to focus on the benefits (and there are some). I would much prefer to know that I'm having a c-section, than to go into labor and still end up with one. I hear that labor is overrated anyway.

Then I got home and did a little more research, all to find that I'm basically one step away from bedrest. No more traveling, no more exercising, and no more heavy housework (not that I did a lot of that anyway :) Now my biggest concern is keeping her in there as long as possible. As for prayer requests, please pray that there won't be any bleeding, if so then I end up in the hospital and end up on bedrest, but most of all pray that our little girl continues to grow and develop just the way she is supposed to and at least makes it to 36 weeks.

The best news though, is I thought it would be at least 12 weeks before I would see her beautiful face, and not it's only going to be 9-10. Wow! It will be here before we know it!

Monday, May 07, 2007

Savannah Grace

This week is 25 weeks, so I'm in my 5th month. Savannah is growing fast! She is about 12 inches long and weighs over 1 1/2 pounds. I feel her kick and move around often. It is the most amazing feeling. This past weekend while visiting my sister in Johnson city, I got to choose the bedding for her room. To describe it, it will have shades of pink and green with a vintage storybook print. The colors are richer than the typical pink and green you see for little girls rooms. Once it is made, then I will take a picture and post it. Anyway, I am just so excited to have a direction for the room. Although I don't have the actual room yet, it's nice to have a vision for what it will look like. I can't wait until our house is done, and we can move in and get settled. I think the first room that I will focus on is probably Savannah's. We have waited so long to bring a child into our home. We want it to be just perfect for her!

Zabs tag

1. What is your main source of news? Internet? T.V.? Newspaper? Do you care?
mostly television, then a little internet. I do care, but should probably care a little more. My tolerance for local news is on the low side. I find they often ask silly questions to people who don't really have an opinion. It also bothers me that the day someone loses a family member that the local news is sticking a microphone in their face asking them how they feel. Well, how do you think they feel? Sorry for the tangent, it's just my opinion.

2. Do you listen to music? a certain kind? All time favorites?
YES I listen to music! I really enjoy music. I have always loved an eclectic variety from classical to rock. Currently I love worship music, and artists like Corrine Bailey Rae, Michael Buble, the Fray, you get the idea.

3. Do you have myspace or facebook?
I have both, but haven't really gotten into facebook yet. I initially got into Myspace in an effort to communicate with Britt'Knee, but have found it to be a great way to keep up with distant friends.

4. Is your interent dial up, cable, DSL? Wireless, Laptop, Desktop? Mac? PC?
Cable, wireless, mac laptop

5. Do you have an ipod? Other MP3 player.
Yes, funny story. Christmas before last, Kyle really wanted a video ipod. So being the thoughtful wife, I bought him one (early because I didn't want them to be out) and even had it engraved. At the time, Kyle was working at Relevant and the staff had a door decorating competition themed Christmas movies, and the prize was a video ipod. Of course, Kyle didn't know that he already had one, so he was pretty enthusiastic about decorating the door and really trying to win. I had to be enthusiastic too, because I didn't want him to suspect that he already had one. We went all out and worked very hard to hopefully win. Everyone at Relevant is pretty creative, so I thought that our chances weren't that great. Needless to say, he won the door contest. We went home and I handed him his Christmas gift, he was so suprised! In the end, I won-so all our hard work was still worth it.

I love my ipod-listen to it in the car, on walks, in the house. I love having all my music easily accessible to me.

6. Are you addicted to the internet? How long are you on? What are you on for? work? social? research? news? all?
I am not addicted to the internet. Although recently I have spent more time on it then I used to. I don't really even know how long I'm usually on. I mostly use it to keep up with blogs, shopping, the occasional research when I'm interested in something.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

change of plans

So the latest news is that Britt'Knee has decided to visit her sister in Hawaii for the summer with Elizabeth. It's been quite an emotional roller coaster, but the Lord has given us such peace about it. I have been willing for whatever it is that God would have for our family. There is a scripture that my husband often reminds me of, Proverbs 16:9 "In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps." We made plans for them to move here at the end of the month, but obviously the Lord has determined otherwise. Is the story over? Not sure, but at the moment, I am not planning either way.