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Thursday, November 03, 2005

Day 4

Well I just got back from the airport and picked up my parents and sister! Yeah!!!
It is going to be a fun and memorable weekend.

Unfortunately, the surprise party I planned for my husband is no longer a surprise, but at least it's still a party with a "few" of our closest friends.

As far as Day 4 goes, I'm taking Clomid 100mg-not feeling any effects yet and of course my prenatal vitamins. I am figuring out that I can somewhat gauge my hope for pregnancy factor by the consistency of my taking prenatal vitamins. If I think I may get pregnant-I am very deligent and conscientious about taking them, and then there are times that I don't take any (subconsciously thinking what's the point)? Hmmm...discovering strange behavior about yourself is always enlightening.

1 comment:

mommy zabs said...

Okay so how did he find out?
Also, that is wild about the prenatal thing....
it really is strange to see patterns in our selves.
i'm glad you have your parents here!