My blog has moved!

Wednesday, January 31, 2007


After weeks of stress between moving, selling the house, and finishing work, I find myself in a mode of decompressing or some might say 'destressing'. There are still several things in our life that remain uncertain, but God is continuing to teach me to trust Him. I've been a believer most of my life, so believing in God comes easy, but it has only been in the past year, that I have found a deep trust in Him. Trusting in His plan each step of the way is definitely getting easier. When you have been praying and believing for something, it's almost like reading a book, and there is a part of me that wants to know how the story ends. Sometimes God doesn't give us that word of confirmation that helps us know how the story ends. Sometimes He gives us just enough to turn the page and read the next chapter. One chapter at a time, each one requiring more faith. The closer to the end you get the more you hope that it all ends the way you want it to. Sometimes the ending isn't what we think it should be, but we learn to trust that God's ending is better than ours.

Now off the philosphophical note-so far my time has been spent unpacking and settling in. It's nice to not have an agenda, although I'm certain my time will be full. I will be helping Kyle with his business a few days a week, and then help my dad with his business some. In the meantime, my sister gets married in 2 months, so there are lots of final details to work out, and then we are building a house on top of it all. Although, I'm not using my master's degree at the moment, it's nice to take a little sabbatical and do something different, which also allows me a little more flexibility.


ckim said...

Kristy, it's amazing how fast things move in your life. I can totally relate to that. And then all of a sudden, everything is done and passed. Now, what's to come? Yes, "decompress." After reading your blog, I'm reminded of te transitions I've been through. I'm so glad you are near family and that you and Kyle are well. Hope we can touchbase soon.

Misi said...

Kristy, I am so glad you are back home! I miss you lot's but I'll be there for the baby shower!! Love you girl..