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Saturday, March 11, 2006

Maybe this time

For those who want the details of our latest fertilty efforts-read on....

We decided to do another cycle of IUI (intrauterine Insemination). Instead of an oral medication (Clomid), I am taking an injectable stimulation medication called "Follistim". Thankfully, needles don't bother me, so giving myself a shot isn't really a big deal. It ihas been a little strange working for my doctor. I realize that it really isn't anything to him, it's more my own insecurities. So I am getting over that real quick. Every few days I have had an ultrasound and bloodwork to monitor how well the follicles are developing. My last ultrasound on Thursday showed four follicles on the left. For those wondering what a follicle is, an egg develops in a follicle. Apparently, the right is on vacation. So tonight I give myself an HCG shot that helps prepare the ovaries to release the egg, and Monday is the big day-so everyone pray that this will be the time that God fulfills His promise.

The verse I am standing on, loosely translated Hebrews 11:11, "By faith I have received strength to conceive seed, even though the doctors have said that my womb is aged, because I have judged God to be faithful to His promise." After Monday, begins the waiting game. I'll keep everyone updated.


MayaStrang said...

you are in my prayers. God is so faithful. love you!

mommy zabs said...

WOW you are so in my prayers! Let me know how goes!!! Is 4 follicals a normal amount????
love you

Mommynurse said...

it is a normal amount when you are taking medication to stimulate the ovaries. In a normal cycle without medication you usually only have one that develops and matures, sometimes two. Thus the higher incidence of multiples. Statistically, my odds are better that at least one of those follicles develops, but there is the chance that more than one will-- Two great, three totally stretching it, four-YIKES! So you can be praying for that too.

ckim said...

We are praying for you and crossing our fingers!

Kyle said...

I'm praying for four. That'd be fun, right!