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Sunday, February 26, 2006

my first week

My new job is going pretty well. As always, it has its challenges-the learning curve, managment issues, etc. Everyone is so nice though, and its great to finally be working in an environment that I feel supported and encouraged. My management responsibilities are a new skill for me to refine, but thankfully I inherited my dad's analytical/organizational skills. Thanks dad!

On a spiritual note, the enemy has been working overtime! I have a heightened awareness of the battle that we face in the Spirit. God keeps asking, "Do you really trust me?" Because if we did REALLY trust Him, we would give Him our anxieties, our struggles, and concerns, and then trust that He took care of it. Sometimes I find myself giving a situation to Him, and then before I know it I'm worried about it. As I was worrying, the Lord just asked, "have you given this to Me?........... then let Me have it." I'm learning to trust. The word that I am holding onto is "No weapon formed against me shall prosper." The enemy has no weapon, no tactic that can harm us if we really do trust Him, So although the struggle is real, I am fighting harder than I have probably ever fought. I know that the battle is already won, but I am learning to trust that His purpose and process is greater than we can understand in the natural.


mommy zabs said...

with my obsessive nature i have felt that way on many occasions. you articulated it well.

ckim said...

yes, you do articulate it well. As a worry-wart, I constantly find myself giving a situation over to God yet not unable to let it go! let's continue to fight this!

MayaStrang said...

i agree. i am getting on a plane in one week and i feel myself getting little panic attacks. i KNOW that God has set me free from this. the enemy is just attacking and trying to take that away from me. it will be a HUGE battle going on next tuesday. but my God has already won.