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Monday, December 19, 2005

A day of tears

Today we had our first ultrasound, and unfortunately received news that every new parent fears. The doctor says that it doesn't look like the pregnancy is viable. By this stage, the baby should be developed more and it's not. The sac should be bigger than it is. When asked what the chances were, he basically said that from his experience there was little chance that this baby would make it.

We cried, prayed, asked why, and are still left wanting. I'm torn by the natural side of me that knows that this baby won't make it, and the spiritual side of me that says God always has room for a miracle.

As I prayed, I was reminded of Hannah-she prayed that God would open her womb, and He did. When she had her son Samuel, she gave him to the high priest to raise. I've come to peace that if this is God's will, I will release my baby to live with the Highest Priest. I really can't think of better hands to give him to. As much as it hurts, I know that all the promises God has given me are still true. Our baby is still coming, it just might not be this one.

1 comment:

mommy zabs said...

when i heard your news tears shot down my face. I do still hope for the miricle, if not now, soon. My heart has rejoiced with you and is now weeping with you. I wish i was there to hug your neck. I know there is nothing I can say or do to make things better. I trust in a God that you do.... whose plan and puposes don't always make sense to us and at times can seem cruel. But we know hope beyond hope that his plan is perfect. I'm encouraged to hear your hope and your heart. You are so strong. We love you so much. So many people do. we are praying for this baby that the dr. will be wrong. And that if it isn't this, we know you are right, this baby is still coming to you. The promised one :) Love you, Call if you ever want to talk. Though I probably won't have words, I'll listen.
Love you