Friday, August 18, 2006
Disappointing news once again
Well for those of you who knew, we did IVF for the first time. Unfortunately today we found out that we were unsuccessful. It is extremely disappointing, but nothing like the miscarriages. I have endured daily shots since July 6, sometimes three times a day, (thankfully, Kyle was pretty good with the IM injections) a surgery with anesthesia, a transfer (I had no idea that Valium would make you feel so loopy), and three days of bedrest. All to find out that we are no further along than when we started. For some reason, it just wasn't a good cycle. I didn't respond to the medications well; only one side produced eggs. Then only 3 out of the 7 eggs fertilized. The quality of the eggs wasn't the best, so they decided to transfer then sooner rather than later. Now Kyle and I are faced with the decision of what's next. I think we will start to seriously look into adoption, and we will consider trying IVF one more time. Meanwhile, I would appreciate your prayers. Sometimes it just feels like I will never have a baby, but I know that isn't the truth. I will continue to hold onto the word that the Lord gave me, this is my test, but it will be my testimony. So I know I will have a baby, it's just a matter of how and when.
Thursday, August 03, 2006
our new addition

Kyle brought home our latest addition to our family, Maggie. She is cute, mostly housebroken, and I think Java is warming up to her. They are so funny together. Sometimes they are fighting over a toy, and then moments later they are playing together. It's taken Java a little time to realize that she is here to stay. At first Java pouted a lot and acted like we no longer loved her, but after lots of extra attention she knows she is still our puppy.
We go on vacation on Saturday, and I can't wait to get away and relax. The nice thing about working a lot, is that vacation is much sweeter and extremely needed. It will be good to be with family, my parents, grandpa, sister and her boyfriend are all coming down, so we will have lots of fun. I love going to Destin. It's not just about being at the beach, it's about revisiting a place that is familiar and full of sweet memories. My family has been going to the same condo in Destin since I was about 10 years old. The first time I ever saw the ocean was in Destin. I'll never forget climbing up the steps of the boardwalk and seeing the vast beautiful ocean. Then to discover that the sand was so soft, almost like God mixed flour and sugar together. I can't wait to just be-to read a book, long talks with the people I love, walks on the beach at sunset, great seafood, and lots of sleep to catch up on.
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